Blogs & News

WELC Data Challenge Day ➜

On 9th September 2014, something very exciting happened in healthcare. AnalytiXagility hosted one of the largest NHS data exploration events to date at the WELC ... Read more ➜

Risk Stratification and Hospital Readmission Rates ➜

Summary Hospital readmission rates are often used as a proxy measure of how effectively healthcare is being delivered within a population. Targeting interventions at individuals at ... Read more ➜

A Day in the Life of a Collaborative Data Science platform ➜

I’ve been working with diverse data sets for the last four months using Aridhia’s collaborative data science platform, AnalytiXagility. This week the platform took centre stage ... Read more ➜

Uses of Open Data ➜

Accident and Emergency (A&E) attendance The UK Government launched its Open Data initiative in 2010, in a bid to make data available to drive innovation and ... Read more ➜

Genomics and the NHS Clinic ➜

In 2012, the Human Genomics Strategy Group had already highlighted the need to develop a workforce skilled in genomics in the NHS, the changing R&D ... Read more ➜

Reflection on Audit Scotland’s report: Management of patients on NHS waiting lists audit update ➜

Hitting the headlines at the end of last week was a story regarding the ability of Scotland’s 15 health boards to deliver on government waiting ... Read more ➜

Academic Health Science Networks and Wealth Creation, a New Concept ➜

When it was announced earlier this year that NHS England was creating a network of 15 new Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs) to act as ... Read more ➜

Research Analytics – Data Interpretation in the Genomics Era ➜

We have been hard at work over the past few years developing our analytics platform aimed at healthcare providers, research institutions and life science research ... Read more ➜

NHS England Hospital Data and Datasets Consultation – Aridhia’s Angle ➜

During the summer months our Clinical, Lifescience & Strategy group has been digesting and reflecting on NHS England’s paper launched in July, NHS Hospital Data ... Read more ➜

Text Mining Clinical Histopathology Reports ➜

The Aridhia team has an ongoing commitment to researching and integrating emerging technologies and innovations into our product, so we encourage staff to collaborate on ... Read more ➜